Fatal Disease Spread Through Surgery

ByABC News
October 27, 2000, 3:42 PM

N E W   O R L E A N S, Oct. 27 -- A patient who died after brain surgery had anincurable disease that may have spread to eight other patientsthrough tainted instruments, hospital officials said.

Tulane University Hospital and Clinic destroyed the instrumentsas soon as officials realized the first patient had died fromCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease, said Dr. Alan Miller, a Tulane vicepresident.

The patient checked into the hospital in March and the diseasewas diagnosed in an autopsy in May, The Wall Street Journalreported today. The university said the other patients all hadbrain surgeries and the surgical instruments were put throughnormal washing and sterilization procedures.

Citing patient confidentiality requirements, Tulane did notrelease the patients names or the dates of the procedures. Theeight living patients are receiving counseling and related medicalcare, Miller said in a statement.

University officials declined requests for interviews today.

Related to Bovine Brain Disorder?

The disease strikes about 6,000 worldwide people per year,leaving the brain with holes and a spongelike consistency,resulting in progressive dementia and loss of physical functions.Patients usually die within a year of the first symptoms.

University officials did not say whether the original patienthad the form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob that may be related to a bovinebrain disorder known as mad cow disease. Some authoritiesbelieve humans contract that form of the disease by eating meatfrom infected cows.

It was not known how the original patient contracted thedisease. The only proven method of transmission between people ismedical treatment with tainted human matter or surgicalinstruments, according to the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foundation.

The independent group that renewed the hospitals accreditationlast month for three years, will investigate, as will the federalagency that administers Medicare and Medicaid.