Revenge of the Nerds: Most Geeks Well Adjusted

Popularity in school may have little to do with later social success.

ByABC News
January 8, 2009, 1:24 AM

May 15, 2008 — -- When it comes to being a social reject in high school, what you don't know won't hurt you, a new study suggests.

Researchers at the University of Virginia found that if you're a member of one of the geeky "out groups" in high school surrounded by jocks, prom queens and cheerleaders, simply being comfortable with yourself and your peers -- no matter how nerdy others might think you are -- may go a long way in ensuring a successful social life in the future.

The new findings, published today in the journal Child Development, suggest that how a teenager feels about himself or herself is the best indicator of future social functioning.

The researchers surveyed 164 students and their peers on a variety of social measures and found that students who were "socially confident and comfortable with their peers" did well, even if they were not especially popular. They also found that these students had a good chance of continuing to do well socially later on in life.

However, teens who felt uncomfortable with themselves and their social standing and who were rated by their peers as being unpopular fared far worse.

According to Kathleen Boykin McElhaney, lead study investigator and research associate in psychology at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, these teens tended to become more hostile, less sought out by their peers and more socially withdrawn over time.

McElhaney believes the study provides more good news than bad for those who just can't seem to fit in during their high school years.

"I think our study shows that popularity doesn't really matter a whole heck of a lot," McElhaney said. "Our data suggests that finding a social niche and a place where you can be comfortable being yourself is most important."

"For some kids that may not mean being in the popular group -- it's an easier and more attainable goal to find a group of friends you're comfortable with than to win the popularity contest," she said.

But for those teens who fared worst in the study -- those who felt socially uncomfortable and were rated by their peers as being unpopular -- some experts believe they may need serious guidance and help from their parents, teachers or guidance counselors.