Ted Kennedy Quotes: In His Own Words

The legendary Senator was known for his oratory and fiery speeches.

ByABC News
August 26, 2009, 11:08 AM

Aug. 26, 2009— -- Sen. Ted Kennedy, who died of brain cancer at the age of 77 Tuesday night in his Massachusetts home, had a storied 46-year Senate career and was credited for landmark legislations. He was also known for his fiery speeches and ability to rile up supporters.

Here are some of Kennedy's most memorable quotes from his legendary career:

Visit ABC News' special section on Ted Kennedy.

"The great adventures which our opponents offer is a voyage into the past. Progress is our heritage, not theirs."
-- August 1980, Democratic National Convention

"In short, I hope for an America where neither 'fundamentalist' nor 'humanist' will be a dirty word, but a fair description of the different ways in which people of good will look at life and into their own souls."

"I hope for an America where no president, no public official, no individual will ever be deemed a greater or lesser American because of religious doubt, or religious belief.

"I hope for an America where the power of faith will always burn brightly, but where no modern inquisition of any kind will ever light the fires of fear, coercion, or angry division.

"I hope for an America where we can all contend freely and vigorously, but where we will treasure and guard those standards of civility which alone make this nation safe for both democracy and diversity."
-- October 1983, Lynchburg, Va.

Visit ABC News' special section on Sen. Ted Kennedy.

Watch video of historic Kennedy moments.

See photos of Sen. Ted Kennedy's life.

See photos of the Kennedy family's history of privilege and loss.

-- October 1991, apologizing for his shortcomings to voters at Harvard University

Key Moments in the Life of Ted Kennedy

"For me this is a season of hope, new hope for a justice and fair prosperity for the many, and not just for the few -- new hope. And this is the cause of my life -- new hope that we will break the old gridlock and guarantee that every American -- North, South, East, West, young, old -- will have decent, quality health care as a fundamental right and not a privilege.

"But we have never lost our belief that we are all called to a better country and a newer world."
-- August 2008, Democratic National Convention