Evening Newscasts Wrap: ABC News Political Unit

ByABC News
August 19, 2004, 7:24 PM

W A S H I N G T O N, August, 18 2004 &#151; <br> -- A product of Noted Now and The Note

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All networks lead with Muqtadr al Sadr's promise of a ceasefire. ABC: Mike von Fremd/ NBC: Jennifer Eccleston/CBS: Barry Peterson.


ABC's Brian Rooney wraps Sen. Kerry's speech to the VFW, in attempt to "blast" President Bush's plan to withdraw troops from Europe and Korea. He argued that Bush's plan won't help win the war on terror, would send the wrong message to Korea, and might even anger allies whose economies are helped by the presence of U.S. troops. Some veterans who had fought in Korea reacted positively to the Senator's concerns about Korea. However, Kerry "got a lukewarm reception from the same group that gave President Bush two standing ovations in the middle of his speech." Many of these veterans "are still steaming" over Kerry's anti-war activities. In addition, the recent attacks on his military records "have fed further suspicion."

CBS's Byron Pitts says Kerry appealed to the "sensibilities of veterans about not wanting to send troops to war." He reminded the audience "over and over" about his service in Vietnam. The White House says Kerry doesn't get it, and "wasted little time showing Kerry's latest flip-flop" on a recent TV show where he talked about the possibility of removing troops from Korea. A new Pew Poll shows that war is the most important issue facing voters at 41 percent, which is no wonder why the campaigns "are playing politics with war."

NBC's Carl Quintinilla Noted that Kerry's VFW audience was "decidedly chilly" and that his turning against Vietnam, "allegations about his medals," and his vote against the $87 billion supplemental has made winning the veteran's vote "a challenge." Bush "poured on the heat" with his education proposals today, and Kerry's war record isn't necessarily an advantage. But Kerry has made some inroads in "traditionally Republican" veterans -- who haven't been polled until now --