NY Man's Tweets Spoil News Stories

(Image credit: Jessica Gildersleeve Photography)

Spoiler alert: His name is Alex Mizrahi, from Brooklyn, N.Y., and his Twitter handle takes the gas out of Huffington Post's own Twitter headlines by beating the news site to the punch line.

Mizrahi launched @HuffPostSpoilers last August with the intent of tweeting the meat of Huffington Post stories that were tweeted by the site's official Twitter handle.

"I followed Huffington Post for a long time on Twitter and was frustrated by their tweeting style," said Mizrahi, 30, who recently freelanced for The Shorty Awards, which honors achievements in social media.

"This is their business model: to get as many clicks as they can and that's how they survive as an organization. It's not that I want to steal clicks from them," he said.

One of Mizrahi's recent tweets read: "1. San Jose 2. SF 3. DC 4. Chicago 5. San Diego RT @HuffPostBiz The happiest city for a young professional revealed."

He now has more than 12,485 Twitter followers.

He had never revealed his identity through Twitter and was amused when his own friends began following his tweets without knowing he was behind them. But a recent article in The New York Times revealed Mizrahi's identity.

"Some people might be interested in a subject and want to read the article, some people just want to know the five-second version," Mizrahi said. "Sometimes, they'll know that someone wants to know a good tidbit. All I do is fill in those gaps."

Mizrahi said his Twitter handle is not malicious. He thinks many of Huffington Post's tweeted headlines are "fine the way they are."

"I do like Huffington Post. It was never a way to say, 'Screw you, HuffPost,' but a lot of times it can be annoying," he said.

The Huffington Post did not respond to a request for comment, but on Thursday the news site featured a short article about Mizrahi's Twitter handle, capturing the attention of its own nearly 3 million Twitter followers.

Another one of Mizrahi's projects is tweeting fun facts that he hears on National Public Radio via @NPRfunfacts, such as one tweet that stated: "In 1990 @ VanillaIce became the 1st rapper to ever hit #1 on the @ Billboard chart…"

"I'm a big NPR nerd boy or fan boy," he said.