Casey Anthony Broke, Sober and Unemployed Say Probation Officers

Casey Anthony is unemployed, has not consumed alcohol or drugs and has not made any money over the past month, according to the Florida Department of Corrections where Anthony reported for probation at 6 p.m. on Thursday night.

“She was cooperative and answered all the questions of her probation officer,” according to a media advisory.

Anthony, the 25-year-old acquitted of murdering her daughter Caylee, also reported that she had not attended any classes, used or purchased illegal drugs or had any contact with law enforcement over the past 30 days. Anthony’s attorney did not wish to comment on Anthony’s probation visit.

Despite Anthony’s declaration that she does not have a job and has not made any money, there is speculation that Anthony will be able to cash in on her notoriety with a book or television appearances. So far, however, she has remained in hiding since her release from jail.

It also comes as Judge Belvin Perry presided over a hearing today on whether Anthony should have to reimburse local and state authorities for money spent on Caylee’s search, according to ABC News’ affiliate  WFTV in Orlando. Anthony admitted to and was convicted on four counts of lying to authorities. One of her admitted lies was that Caylee had been snatched by a babysitter, triggering a massive investigation and search.

Anthony could be facing bills that add up to more than $500,000. Agencies including the Orange County Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the State Attorney’s office have all been called to testify regarding how much money they spent in the search for Caylee, according to WFTV.

Prosecutors want Anthony to pay up for every day from July 15, 2008 when Caylee was reported missing to Sept. 19, 2008 when her remains were identified.

Today’s hearing is one of several lawsuits Anthony can anticipate.

Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the woman who shared a name with the fictional nanny Anthony claimed abducted Caylee, is suing Anthony for defamation.

“When Zenaida first came to me, we never thought Casey would see the light of day again,” Fernandez-Gonzalez’s attorney John Morgan told “It was never about money in the beginning. Now, it’s about accountability and responsibility.”

According to Morgan, Fernandez-Gonzalez received threatening phone calls, lost her home and lost her job because of Anthony’s use of her name.

Anthony is scheduled to do a video deposition for the defamation lawsuit next month and the trial has been tentatively set for April 2012.

Anthony is also facing a suit for $100,000 by EquuSearch, the volunteer search organization that hunted for Caylee after being assured by Anthony that her daughter was alive and pleading with them to help find Caylee.