Occupy Protesters Ring in the New Year with Largest Demonstration Since Eviction


Occupy Wall Street protesters rang in the New Year with a renewed push, holding their largest demonstration since the movement was evicted last month from the lower Manhattan park where it began.

Dozens of protesters were arrested after a confrontation between demonstrators and police when some Occupiers began tearing down barricades around Zuccotti Park, the site where the movement was born.

Police said that one officer was slightly injured after being stabbed in the hand with a pair of scissors. He has since been treated and released from the hospital.

Protesters were able to tear down the barricades and temporarily take over the park again. They piled the barricades in the center of the park and stood on top of them, singing and chanting.

Shortly after midnight, following the clashes, a large police presence was summoned to the march route. Hundreds of protesters - estimates range from 300 to 500 - marched on Broadway in the early hours of the new year.

In all, 68 people were arrested for various offenses, including trespassing, disorderly conduct and reckless endangerment, a New York Police Department spokesman told ABC News.

Demonstrators who had been camping out in Zuccotti Park were evicted in November, after spending months living in the park.

ABC News' Richard Esposito and The Associated Press contributed to this report.