The Oldest DJs Win a Sony Award

Beryl Renwick, David Reeves and Betty Smith

Beryl Renwick and Betty Smith are DJs now with two distinctions: they have won a a coveted Sony Radio Academy award for the best British entertainment radio show, and they are the oldest people to win the award.

Renwick is the young one at 86. Her on-air partner is 90. Together they host a show on Yorkshire's BBC Radio Humberside channel.

"I couldn't believe it was happening to me, and I'm knocking on to bloody 100," Smith told BBC. "I feel like I'm 21….I didn't know whether to cry or scream. It was such a shock. What a night. It was absolutely fantastic."

Their weekly, hour long unscripted show is a mix of easy listening music, chat with show producer David Reeves, and gossip peppered with their endearing banter. They're also known to have a thing for Canadian crooner Michael Buble.

The main attraction, however, is the women.

"It's because we're so different," Renwick told BBC. "We've had different lives. We can talk about different things."

The show has developed a cult-like following during its six year run.