911 Caller Sees Alligator by Road in California

A startled woman in Lancaster, Calif., called 911 Tuesday morning after seeing an alligator on the side of the road.

"I just saw a couple of girls carrying an alligator!" a woman told a 911 dispatcher.

The alligator was being transported in a van when it went to the bathroom in its cage. In order to clean out the cage, two females removed the alligator from the van.

"Could it have been a lizard?" a 911 dispatcher asked the woman.

"No it was like 4 feet long!" the woman said.

(L.A. County Sheriff's Department)

According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department statement, "The caller feared that the female was about to abandon the beast in the desert."

LASD deputies stopped the van to learn that the females were part of the "Zoo to You" program in Paso Robles, Calif. Deputies also found a baby kangaroo in the same van. The women planned to show the animals to the students of Quartz Hill Elementary School.

But on Tuesday morning, the alligator and baby kangaroo were stars in Lancaster as deputies took pictures of the animals before sending them on their way.

The deputies parted ways after saying "see you later alligator," according to an L.A. County Sheriff's statement.