"The Naked Truth" on "20/20? Airing Friday, August 2 at 10PM

Want more friends, more money, even more sex? Then research says - be better looking! "20/20? delves into "The Naked Truth" of lookism, airing FRIDAY, AUGUST 2 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on ABC. "20/20? is anchored by Elizabeth Vargas and David Muir. Reports include:

Too Attractive to Work: After working as a dental assistant for 10 years, 32 year-old Melissa Nelson was fired by her dentist boss for being too attractive. Dr. James Knight, who is married, said that he felt Ms. Nelson's beauty was simply too tempting and presented a threat to his marriage. But Nelson was not about to take this reverse form of beauty bias lying down. She sued Knight for gender discrimination. The all-male Iowa Supreme Court would make a surprising decision, not once, but twice. Paula Faris reports.

The Tongue Patch Diet: A Long Beach cosmetic surgeon is helping patients lose weight by sewing a patch onto their tongues. The postage stamp-sized patch is abrasive, making it so painful to eat solid foods, that the patient can only consume liquids. Promising to help shed 20 pounds in 30 days, Dr. Nikolas Chugay gives ABC News Correspondent Cecilia Vega exclusive access to his clinic, the only place in the United States where the tongue patch is available. "20/20? also follows two patients through the process from beginning to end and reveals their provocative before-and-after pictures.

Six Pack Abs in 60 Minutes: You know those too-good-to-be-true before and after weight-loss photos we see on TV? Famed personal trainer Andrew Dixon had everybody talking last week by demonstrating that the secret to body transformation on film was just a few lighting tweaks and grooming tools. "20/20? put Dixon's tactics to the test by pulling a few average guys off the street and into the studio. ABC News' Nutrition and Wellness Editor Dave Zinczenko makes his "20/20? debut.

Charity Angels: The old adage 'sex sells' apparently holds true even for charity fundraising, as Los Angeles-based company Charity Angels only hires attractive women in a bid to get wealthy men to part with their cash at philanthropic events - from golf tournaments to black tie galas and cancer fundraisers. Chris Connelly reports.

David Sloan is senior executive producer of "20/20? and John Green is the executive producer.

- ABC-