Baby Born on Sled in 3 Degree Weather

Babies are notorious for not waiting for a good moment to be born, but Shirley Kim Bonanni's baby may have picked the most uncomfortable moment - on a sled on a snowy hill with the temperature a frigid 3 degrees.

Bonanni woke up with contractions early Wednesday morning, just as the city of Philadelphia was blanketed with a snow storm that dumped nearly 14 inches of snow on the city.

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"We thought we had plenty of time to go to the hospital," Bonanni told local ABC affiliate WPVI, noting her contractions were, at first, nearly 10 minutes apart.

While Bonanni showered and got ready to drive to the hospital, her husband, Fabian Bonnani, called his parents to watch the couple's son, 2-year-old Logan, and began the process of getting the family's car as far up their street as he could.

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With her contractions quickening, Bonanni was unable to walk to the car and had to be pushed there on a sled by her husband, WPVI reports.

The situation quickly escalated moments later, around 6 a.m. Wednesday, when Bonanni went into labor while still on the sled.

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"I was on the phone with 911, talking him through it and he certainly delivered his own baby, right there, on the side of the road," said George Leader, the Bonannis' neighbor who heard the commotion and called 911.

In the middle of the snowstorm, on a sled, Shirley Bonanni, who did not immediately reply to ABC News' request for comment, gave birth to Bella Sophia Bonanni, a healthy 7 pound 9 ounce baby girl.

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Fabian Bonanni took his newborn daughter back into the family's home with blankets supplied by another neighbor, while his parents, Leader and Leader's roommate carried Shirley Bonanni back to the house on the sled.

EMTs eventually arrived at the Bonannis' house and took mom and baby to a hospital, where they were both reported in good condition.