Are You As Smart as a Third Grader?

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The Florida Department of Education has released sample third grade math questions that showcase the state's new common core math curriculum, according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Try your hand at the questions below and see if you can pass the third grade.

1) What is 78 rounded to the nearest ten? A) 70 B) 75 C) 80 D) 100

2) Select all the expressions that have the same value as 30 divided by 10. A) 1 x 3 B) 10 ÷ 30 C) 30 x 10 D) 30 ÷ 10 ÷ 1 E) 30 ÷ (2 ÷ 5) F) (30 ÷ 2) ÷ 5

3) Select all the expressions that have a value of 48. A) (3 + 3) x 8 B) 3 + (3 x 8) C) 6 x 4 + 4 D) 6 x (4 + 4) E) 8 x 40

Click here to try more third and fourth grade common core math questions.

Comedian Louis C.K. on the American Education System and the Common Core

Answer Key:

1) C

2) A, D, F

3) A, D