Obama Campaign Memo: GOP Candidates at Odds With Public Opinion

President Obama’s re-election campaign released a memo Monday that juxtaposes the positions of Republican presidential candidates with polls showing majorities of Americans standing opposed.

“From economics to immigration, Governor Perry, Governor Romney and the Republican field have embraced policies that the American people oppose,” campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt wrote in the memo. “The campaign to win the Republican nomination has become a campaign to win the hearts and minds of the Tea Party.”

LaBolt targeted Republican opposition to Obama’s financial regulatory reform, environmental protections imposed by the EPA, and proposed government investments in education and infrastructure in the president’s American Jobs Act.  All of those initiatives, he said, are supported by majorities of Americans.

The memo also blasted GOP candidates who have suggested overhauling Social Security, shuttering government agencies and repealing popular provisions of the Affordable Care Act, such as limits on insurance companies over preexisting conditions.

You can read the full memo HERE .

“Instead of laying out a plan to promote America’s competitiveness, the Republican candidates have focused on what they want to dismantle,” LaBolt said.

“America’s future will be defined by the success of our middle class, but the Republican candidates are positioning themselves as champions for large corporations and special interests whose plans would leave working families in the lurch.”