Romney Says He'll Be Accountable For Campaign Promises

LAKELAND, Fla. - Mitt Romney knows he's made a lot of campaign promises, and now he's challenging American voters to hold him to his words.

"We want to be held accountable for the promises we made last night, and the night before," said Romney, appearing at a farewell rally at an airport in Florida just hours after officially accepting the Republican nomination. Romney was joined by his wife Ann, running mate Paul Ryan, and Ryan's wife Janna, all of whom stood in front two newly-minted campaign planes.

"We've laid out, you've heard it many times, a five-point plan to get this country going. We're going to go after these things. Measure us. Hold us accountable. Do the same with the president," said Romney.

Romney, who has long told voters that Obama didn't fulfill the promises he made as a candidate, used his speech here today to signal a shift that will mean he will also take responsibility for pledges made on the stump.

"Look, you're making a choice as to who the servant will be of the nation," said Romney. "Who is the person, who are the people who will lead this country and do what you want to be done? You listened to the last guy running for president, he laid out what he wanted to do, he was unable to do it. It's time to give someone new a chance. Hold us accountable. Listen to what we have to say and say do I want that or not?"

Ryan echoed Romney's calls for accountability, saying that Obama made "a whole bunch of promises" when he ran for president.

"Now we see a laundry list of broken promises," said Ryan.

"Colleges graduates should not spend their 20s in their childhood bedrooms looking up at fading Obama posters, wondering when they can move out and get on with their lives," said Ryan, borrowing a line from his convention speech.

With reporting by ABC News' Shushannah Walshe.