Bill Clinton Back Home: Watch Master Politician Master the Selfie

CONWAY, Ark.-President Bill Clinton showed off his master campaigning skills in Arkansas this week as he stumped for Democratic candidates in the state and reveled in the new selfie age.

The selfie phenomenon wasn't around when Clinton first campaigned for the White House in 1992, but when he returned home to Arkansas Monday, the former president, long considered one of the best retail politicians in the country, added posing for selfies to his glad-handing routine.

Bill Clinton Campaigns For Democrats in Arkansas

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And it wasn't just voters who wanted to snap a picture with the president. Politicians got in on the action too.

"Mr. president, or should I say grandpa, grandpa, can I get a selfie?" Sen. Mark Pryor, D-Arkansas, asked as they stood on stage. Never one to turn down a photo, Clinton of course obliged.

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