Google: 'Send a Personalized Call From Santa' to Anyone on Your Christmas List

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Those little elves at Google have been busy again, this being the Christmas season. They've set up a website called " Send a Personalized Phone Call from Santa."

Give it a try, if you're feeling some Christmas cheer and have a few moments to spare. Go to the site and start answering the questions it asks: "My name is ______ and I am [a Guy/a Gal/Other]. This message is for…." and so on. You fill out the recipient's relationship to you (anything from "sweetie" to "partner in crime"), location, description (options include "public nuisance" and "Elvis impersonator") and a few more.

Some of the options can make the call either naughty or nice. If your name isn't on the site's name list, you can call yourself "Hottie" or "Sister from another mister." And some of the gift options are self-promotional; the list includes a "Chromebook" and "Google TV" right along with a "new toy." (The site is "brought to you by Gmail.") At the end you'll be invited to enter your phone number (handy if the recipient uses Caller I.D.) and the number you want Google - er, Santa - to call.

It's a little like the old "Mad Libs" game. Some of the sentences you create will be pleasantly nonsensical, and that's part of the fun.

Our staff had a little fun and arranged for Santa to call … me. Click on the box below and have a listen:

The system is free, and - be ready - the robocall should happen the moment you enter the recipient's phone number. Google has something else planned as well; whatever it is, they're not yet giving away the secret.