The Night Channing Tatum and Shia LaBeouf Vandalized New York City
The actors bonded over broken windows and scattered garbage.

May 28, 2014 -- Channing Tatum is a responsible, married father.
However, while filming a movie with Shia LaBeouf a decade or so ago, he was in a decidedly more destructive state of mind. On the day he met LaBeouf, whom he said he has not seen in years, he said that they were drinking and decided to find trouble.
"We were just running and being hoodlums and throwing trash bags down streets and just being stupid. We were trying to be like eighties hoodlums," Tatum told GQ magazine. "And I think as we were running I kicked this thing, not thinking that it would ever shatter. And everything just went raining down. ... and then we just took off running."
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Tatum, 34, explained that he kicked in a window while LaBeouf, 27, punched a police car window, all in an effort to bond with each other.
Now, he said, he realizes that the entire experience "was stupid."
"It was pandemonium. It was just one of those nights that the volume just keeps getting turned up, turned up, turned up. And we all split up. We all just ran in opposite directions," he said. "In hindsight it’s the funniest thing in the world—just typical actors trying too hard. It’s only fun because we didn’t get caught."
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However, Tatum also recognized LaBeouf's talent, calling him "an incredible actor," and added that he hopes to see the controversial actor return to the big screen soon.
"I just wish that he would just act," he said. "Just act, man!"
A rep for LaBeouf did not respond to a request for comment.