'Duck Dynasty' Returns: Your Ultimate Guide to the Cast
A breakdown of who's who and what to expect in the series' season premiere.

Jan. 15, 2014 -- intro: "Duck Dynasty" has dominated headlines for the past few weeks, and now the A&E reality TV series is finally returning to the airwaves. This season, the show's fifth, promises a few new faces (we'll get to meet Willie and Korie's daughter, Rebecca) and new adventures for the Robertson family. And though there's sure to be some drama, it's not of the type new watchers might expect: The show has never focused on the type of controversial comments made by Phil Robertson. Still, stories surrounding the family's patriarch have definitely introduced the show to a whole new fanbase.
For those looking to get into the show for the first time, here's a quick guide to who's who.
Editor's Note: ABC is a part owner of the A&E Network.
quicklist: 1 title: Phil and Miss Kay text: First of all, it's important to know about what "Duck Dynasty" is really about -- it's the story of a Louisiana family who runs a multi-million dollar duck call business. Phil Robertson, who famously eschews all modern technology, created the duck call, Duck Commander, in 1972. Together with his wife, Kay, they raised four sons, Alan, Jase, Willie and Jep. They also overcame great obstacles to stay together, but they're happy. This past Christmas, Phil, who played college football with Terry Bradshaw, gave his wife a wedding ring at last.media: 21535204
quicklist: 2title: Jase and Missytext: Together, Jase and Missy have three children. Reed, who recently opened up about a dark period in his life, Cole and Mia. Jase, who's a little less serious than his younger brother Willie, is the COO of the company, but he also knows how to make duck calls, just like his dad.media: 21535030
quicklist: 3title: Willie and Korietext: Willie and Korie have five kids: John Luke, Sadie, Will, Bella and Rebecca, whom they adopted after she came into their family as as foster child. Willie, who met Korie when they were just kids, works as Duck Commander's CEO, which his parents have said was an obvious choice. "He was about 10 or 11, in junior high, they called us from school, he had to set up a concession stand, selling candies, and he absolutely shut down the school's whole snack shop!" said his mom. This season, their daughter Rebecca, who runs a boutique, Duck and Dressing, in Louisiana, will be introduced to audiences. media: 21535081
quicklist: 4title: Jep and Jessicatext: Like his brothers, Jep, the baby of the family, is married with children: Lily, Merritt, Priscila and River. Jep, whose real name is Jules Jeptha, used to capture footage for the family's "Duckmen" DVD series, showing the family's real-life love of duck hunting. Jep met his wife, Jessica, another Louisiana native, in 2001, and they were married two weeks after he proposed. media: 21535110
quicklist: 5 title: Uncle Sitext: Uncle Si is Phil Robertson's younger brother, who, like his brother, is very religious. Last year, he invited "Good Morning America" to visit him, and he opened up about life as a "Duck Dynasty" star. "I'm really a shy person," he admitted. He also revealed a little bit about his personal life: "One woman has already got my heart. We've been married for 43 years, and her name is Miss Christine."media: 21534875
quicklist: 6title: Altext: The oldest Robertson son is actually not on the show, though he did make an appearance last season and recently began working for the family business. His name is Al, and for the past 25 years, he worked as a minister. Al (at left) has a wife, Lisa, and two daughters, Anna and Alex. According to his officie Duck Commander bio, Al, who is the only Robertson to go beardless, and Lisa have two granddaughters and a grandson on the way.media: 21534725