December's black moon is a new moon phase: What it means for your zodiac sign
The black moon will occur on Dec. 30, 2024.
As we step into the new year, the black moon, a special new moon phase, brings a wave of fresh opportunities and exciting new beginnings your way.
Celebrity astrologer Kyle Thomas, who is known for his cosmic guidance among celebrities, businesses and online influencers, spoke to "Good Morning America" about the best ways to take advantage of this refreshing new moon.
But first, let's break down the meaning of the black moon and what to know about this unique lunar event.
When is black moon arriving in 2024?
The black moon will occur on Dec. 30, 2024, according to NASA.
What is a black moon and why is it called that?
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, a black moon is a rare event similar to a leap year.
A lunar cycle takes about 29 days to complete, but our calendar months are slightly longer. Every 32 months or so, this leads to two full moons or two new moons within the same month. The second full moon is called a blue moon, while the second new moon is referred to as a black moon.
There's another type of black moon as well -- it refers to a month with no new moons at all. This only happens in February, due to its shorter number of days, and is even rarer, occurring about once every decade.
A black moon also refers to the new moon phase itself when the moon is positioned between Earth and the sun, making it nearly invisible from our view.
What zodiac sign is the black moon in December?
The black moon is a new moon in Capricorn, an Earth sign associated with ambition, professional goals, societal structures and authority, according to Thomas.
As a symbol of fresh opportunities and new beginnings, the new moon offers a chance to set intentions, take action and plant seeds based on its position in your natal chart and zodiac sign.
"The best way to collectively use its vibration is to brainstorm your career goals for the year and start to take action to push matters in your favor," Thomas said.
Rituals and manifestations to try during the black moon

Many ancient cultures, from Chinese traditions to Hebrew holidays, honor celestial cycles and the moon's powerful influence.
Thomas explained that because Capricorn is an Earth sign, incorporating natural elements like herbs, plants, crystals or soil into rituals can be particularly effective.
"The Earth signs hold dominion over money, so using bills, coins, checks, gold or beyond to attract these energies can also be quite powerful," he added.
Potential meditations, mantras or journal prompts:
- My ambitions are within reach.
- I build the long-term legacy that I desire.
- The world sees me as a success.
- Success, victory, and power are mine. I am success to attract success.
Astrology horoscope for the black moon for your zodiac sign
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
It's time to focus on your career, Aries! "The new moon will open a doorway in your life to achieve more in the coming year, as well rise higher in your industry," Thomas said. "While promotions, awards, new job offers or favorable recognition could soon arrive, it's most important to use this cosmic energy to take the lead and show the world your power."
Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Switch up your routine and take chances, Taurus! "While you like to stay in your comfort zone most of the time, you'll feel a surge of momentum to look further into the horizon," Thomas explained. "Some Tauruses will get busy with new academic, intellectual, legal or media pursuits, while others could be saying it's time to plan an exciting vacation."
Gemini (May 21 - June 20)
Let your guard down, Gemini. According to Thomas, the new moon is "encouraging you to trust others, be vulnerable in your exchanges and to better learn how to share. You could be requiring more assistance from partners in business or love or even considering applying for more benefits from your job."
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Love and partnership are just around the corner, Cancer. "The new moon will ignite your sense of connection with others, especially partners in business and love," Thomas added. "Commitments could be on the top of your mind due to this new moon and you may have the impetus to discuss long-term plans with your twin flame at your side."
Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22)
Busy times ahead, Leo. "The new moon will activate your sector of productivity," Thomas said. "This should increase the pace of life for you as you pick up more projects and responsibilities in life and at work."
Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22)
Turn up your energy, Virgo. According to Thomas, the new moon "energizes you to have more fun, enjoy recreation and let out your sassy side. Romance will be greatly favored as you will certainly be in the mood for love. Single Virgos will have a higher likelihood of finding someone just their type and passion could be sizzling!"
Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22)
Reassess your domestic life, Libra. "You may now be considering a move or wanting to make some sort of transition in your living space," Thomas added. "Taking action will be crucial now, as you show the universe how you want your home to be a kingdom."
Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21)
Speak up and step out, Scorpio. "The new moon activates your communication and travel sector, bringing you excitement to broadcast your ideas," Thomas explained. "Learn and see what it looks like out of your current surroundings. Journeying to see siblings or to nearby cities or towns will energize you."
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)
Rake it in, Sagittarius. "While a lucrative check, raise, client or job offer could manifest, you will also need to put yourself out there to uncover every possible financial win," Thomas said. "This lunation will help set your financial life for the year to come, so assess your budget and find ways to make your wealth grow."
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19)
Show the world what you've got, Capricorn. "The most important new moon of the year appears now for you, as it falls in your zodiac sign," Thomas explained. "Use the week that follows this lunation to take action to build the life of your dreams and put yourself out there. Step into your power, trust your inner motivations and seize the day."
Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18)
Step back and refresh, Aquarius. According to Thomas, "self-love, reflection and a spa day are in order for you! The new moon will energize you to rest, recharge and relax, as well as encourage you to brainstorm and visualize what you'd like to manifest in the year to come."
Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20)
Cherish the good times, Pisces. "Light off the fireworks, bust out your sexiest outfit and circulate!" Thomas added. "It's a time to connect with friends -- in person and online. Build your network and socialize amongst your crew. An exotic and fabulous event could beckon you to attend in the days following the new moon, so be sure to attend."