Don't Sweat It: Top Tips to Stop Persistent Perspiration

Get tips from Dr. Marie Savard on combating sweating problems this summer.

ByABC News via GMA logo
July 13, 2009, 1:53 PM

July 14, 2009— -- The human body has more than 2.5 million sweat glands and that fact never seems more apparent than in the summer. Whether the sizzling temperatures make you sweat, perspire, glow or melt, "GMA" medical contributor Dr. Marie Savard has advice on how to keep your sweat in check.

Get her tips below.

We have 250,000 sweat glands in our feet alone and all of these glands produce sweat to cool us off and control our body temperature.

Sweat is about more than just external heat. Nerves, of course, can make us sweat, but about 1-3 percent of the population has overactive sweat glands in one or more areas. The condition is called hyperhydrosis and it needs more drastic treatment.

Of course, you want to wash frequently, but also look for a deodorant soap to use in the shower. That will kill the bacteria that produce bad odors.

Also, wear breathable fabrics, such as cotton, or high-tech wicking fabrics. You should change your clothes often and avoid tight clothing and shoes.

The less air you get on your skin, the more you'll sweat.

Deodorants are antibacterial astringents that reduce odor-causing bacteria. Astringents may help in drying somewhat, but antiperspirant is what stops the sweat. And the active ingredient is aluminum.

That's what plugs up the sweat gland. So if you want to compare how strong the brands are, just look at the aluminum content. Aluminum can irritate sensitive skin, so it's a personal decision as to how strong you want your antiperspirant to be.

I like Mitchum, personally, but again, it's a personal decision. The main difference between men's and women's deodorant, besides the smell, is the level of aluminum. The men's version always has more in it.

Standard over-the-counter deodorants have 3-8 percent aluminum, but there are some stronger products available without a prescription, such as Certain-Dri, Bromi Lotion, and SweatBlock, which contain 12 percent or more.