Give Thanks With 'GMA'

Marysol Castro led the way this morning, but who are you thankful for?

ByABC News via GMA logo
November 22, 2008, 7:43 AM

Nov. 22, 2008— -- As families across the country gather around the turkey for Thanksgiving, many will go around the table and share thoughts on what they are thankful for.

For "Good Morning America's" Marysol Castro, the answer was clear: She is thankful for her sister, Melisa.

Marysol said that since the moment she was brought home from the hospital as a baby, big sister Melisa was there to take care of her.

"From the minute you came home, you were no longer mommy's," Melisa agreed. "You were mine."

Through the loss of their father when Marysol was just 10, it was Melisa who stepped up to be Marysol's "second mom."

"You've always been there for me," Marysol told her. "You've given me a kick in the tush when I need one and you've stroked my ego when I need to. ... You're the bee's knees. You're the absolute best thing ever."

After hearing hers, "Good Morning America" wants to hear your story. Out of everyone in your life, we want to know who you are most thankful for this holiday season.

Please use the comment section at the bottom of the page to share your story with us.