Live Blog: Battling Lung Cancer Tweet Chat

Tobacco use accounts for nearly one in five deaths in the U.S.

ByABC News
December 10, 2013, 4:17 PM

Dec 10, 2013— -- Lung cancer remains the single greatest threat to the health of smokers, according to the American Cancer Society. In the United States, tobacco use accounts for nearly one in five deaths, or 443,000 early deaths, each year.

Lung Cancer can also affect the lives of people who have never touched a cigarette. By ACS estimates, 16,000 to 24,000 Americans die of lung cancer each year, even though they have never smoked.

To learn more about battling this disease, Dr. Richard Besser, ABC News' chief health and medical correspondent, held a tweet chat to give the straight facts about this disease. Besser and the ABC health team were joined by experts, patients and advocates from all over the country who offered their ideas about how to prevent and treat lung cancer.

You can review all 2,777 tweets from the hour, or click here for the highlights. The Live Blog below includes additional facts and figures about lung cancer, as well as the best tweets from the chat. Mobile users can link to the live blog here.