Turin Shroud Goes on Display

ByABC News
August 11, 2000, 10:28 AM

R O M E, Aug. 12 -- Veiled in mystery, the Shroud of Turin, one of the worlds most famous religious relics, will go on display today for the longest time in history 70 days in total.

There have been only four expositions of the shroud in the 20th century. It last went on display in 1998.

The shroud, a piece of herringbone twilled linen cloth measuring 14.5 feet by 3.9 feet, is believed by many Roman Catholics to be the cloth in which Christs body was wrapped after his crucifixion. The Vatican, which now owns it, is not sure about its authenticity but regards it as a powerful aid to faith.

On its first day on display, about 9,000 youths will visit the shroud for prayers led by Severino Poletto, the archbishop of Turin and custodian of the shroud.

The next day Poletto will preside over a Mass celebrated with other bishops from the region, and more young Catholics will visit through the day. The young Catholics will largely comprise delegates and visitors for the World Youth Day ceremonies in Rome. The shroud will go on display for the general public on Aug. 26.

So far, 345,000 people from all over the world have reserved tickets to see it. The number of people visiting this year is expected to exceed the 2.5 million who came to see the shroud in 1998.

Imprint of a Man Crucified

Bearing the faint imprint of a man and the apparent signs of wound marks that correspond to those Christ suffered during his crucifixion, the shroud has been the focus of a great deal of debate over the centuries.

It has, however, never officially been a relic for the Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II, who visited the shroud in 1998 for the second time, and prayed in silence in front of it for some time, called it an icon of the suffering of the innocent of all time and an extraordinary witness to the suffering of Christ.

On entering the Cathedral, however, he did first kneel and pray in front of the Eucharist where, he said, the faithful find the real, true and substantial presence of Christ before kneeling in front of the shroud.