Working Mom's Ultimate Multitask Goes Viral
This mom is winning when it comes to the parenting juggling act.

— -- "This is what happens when you are 35 weeks pregnant, husband leaves town for the weekend, childcare for 3yo falls through, and you have a game to cover!"
When Dr. Megan Meier of Oklahoma posted the now viral photo of herself tending to a football player on the sidelines while carrying her 3-year-old daughter on her back, she just did it to commiserate with other physician moms about "what we all do each and every day."
And although it was originally intended for other doctor moms, Meier told ABC News, "this is all of us."
Meier — the team physician for Putnam City North High School (she's attending to one of its players in the photo), the University of Oklahoma, the Oklahoma City Ballet and many other local dance groups — said she was "most surprised by how many people the picture touched and in different ways."
"I have had so many people reach out to me, telling me how inspiring they find the photo for a variety of reasons," she said. "I have connected with so many strong, interesting people who have shared their stories, their struggles and their victories. It's pretty awesome."
The photo was shared all over the world.
"As working parents," Meier said, "we often have to multitask in a pinch, and it's so much easier when people are understanding of this. We don't make excuses — we find solutions. Fortunately for me, the teams I care for are very supportive of my situation, which has made these types of stressful scenarios so much easier."
The response, she said, has been overwhelmingly positive. She said she hopes the takeaway is to "support each other always."