Biden rally cut short abruptly by pouring rain
In front of a crowd of 285 cars, and in a speech that was prematurely ended by a classic Florida thunderstorm, former Vice President Joe Biden addressed a drive-in rally with five days to go until Election Day with a familiar message to get out and vote.
"Look, folks, five days left. Five days, but who's counting, right? But who's counting?" Biden began his speech.

"Millions of Americans have already voted. Over 75, I'm told, 75 million. And millions more are gonna vote before this is over. And I believe when you use your power, the power of the vote, we literally are going to change the course of this country for generations to come," Biden added.
Biden delivered much of the same stump speech as he did in Broward County, Florida, earlier today, hitting on several of his big ticket campaign pitches, including dealing with COVID-19, his tax policy, the Supreme Court, health care and climate change.

In a moment of true Florida weather, the sky opened up into sudden downpour, catching Biden and the crowd by surprise, causing the former vice president to wrap up his remarks early to get out of the rain.
The onset of the rain led Biden to end his speech on a slight variation of his line that he cribs from John F. Kennedy’s speech about going to the moon and not “postponing” American greatness.
"Let’s not postpone and get out of the rain! God Bless you all! Thank you!" Biden said as he departed the stage.
Biden’s blue suit was completely soaked as he quickly departed the stage.