'This Week' Transcript: Former Gov. Mike Huckabee, Sen. Bernie Sanders

The two presidential candidates are interviewed on "This Week."

ByABC News
June 28, 2015, 10:11 AM


ANNOUNCER: Starting right now on ABC's THIS WEEK, marriage for all -- the historic Supreme Court ruling.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our love is people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The man who brought the ground-breaking case is here.

ObamaCare saved again.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Another landmark ruling.

Plus, message to the nation -- Obama's extraordinary eulogy for the pastor murdered in the Charleston tragedy.

Where does the debate over the Confederate flag go now?

America's week of epic transformation, we're covering every angle.

And 2016 contenders Mike Huckabee and Bernie Sanders are here live.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, HOST: What a week it has been. Rarely has so much history been made in so few days.

Confederate flags flying all across the South, rainbow flags rising all across the country, even the White House. And at the center of it all, President Obama. In what may be his best week in office, he passes a trade bill left for dead days ago, appears in the Rose Garden to celebrate those striking decisions from the Supreme Court, serving ObamaCare for the second time.

And for the first time, securing the right to marriage for all Americans.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This decision affirms what millions of Americans already believe in their hearts, when all Americans are treated as equal, we are all more free.


STEPHANOPOULOS: Then, that arresting scene in Charleston -- a president summoning the spirit of America in song.


STEPHANOPOULOS: What a week, indeed. So much to debate and analyze this morning.

And we begin at the Supreme Court with our expert, Terry Moran -- and, Terry, you've been covering the court now for about three decades.

Have you ever seen back to back cases like this pack such a powerful punch?

TERRY MORAN, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: No, George, I can't say I did. The court has seen a lot of history, as you know. And I guess I've seen a lot of history by this point. And I can't think of a week to match it.

The court with emphatic finality, bringing to a close two national debates that have been roiling the country -- health care, ObamaCare and equality for gay and lesbian Americans under the marriage laws. It was a demonstration, for better or worse, depending on how you think about it, of the tremendous power of this court and the men and women who sit on it.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And the most powerful, Chief Justice John Roberts. President Obama voted against him when he was confirmed as chief justice. But now, for the second time, Justice Roberts saves ObamaCare.

MORAN: You know, and he's written his name in infamy with conservatives. He's going to be chief justice for a long time, however, and we did see, in that case and in the gay marriage case, something very true about him. This is a judge who doesn't like to swing for the fences. He wouldn't join Justice Scalia, the last time or this time, in bringing down ObamaCare, and this time, plunging the health care of millions of Americans into chaos. And he wouldn't join Justice Kennedy in rewriting the marriage laws of all 50 states.

He is a don't rock the boat justice on a court that likes to rock the boat.

STEPHANOPOULOS: In fact, in that -- in that same-sex marriage case, a pretty fierce defend -- dissent from Justice Roberts. But Justice Kennedy now really feels his place in history, as well.