Quiz for Kids on Avoiding Abduction

ByABC News
September 19, 2002, 4:09 PM

Sept. 19 -- Bob Stuber, creator of an abduction prevention and survival course known as Escape School, devised the following test to help parents teach their children how to avoid potential threats and what to do if someone tries to abduct them. Read your children the questions and ask which response they would use. Then go over the correct response with them.

QUESTION 1: A car approaches you with the window rolled down. A sweet-looking lady asks you for directions. What do you do?

a. Turn and walk the other direction. Do not approach the car. b. Help her out, shes a nice lady. c. Help her, but from a distance.

The correct answer is: a. Turn and walk the other direction. Though it may seem mean to not help out someone who looks like your grandma, remember that bad people look like the rest of us! They can be young, old, or even be on the floor of a car, forcing a nice old lady to get you close enough to grab. Just keep in mind: Adults can get whatever information they need from other adults. There isn't any reason for them to be asking kids. Keep walking, change direction, and pretend you don't hear.

QUESTION 2: A man approaches you, looking upset. He has an empty leash and a poster showing a cute puppy missing. He says he's desperate to find his puppy, he'll even pay you if you find it. What do you do?

a. Help him, he has a leash and a poster, after all. b. Run the other direction and tell an adult. c. Tell him youll keep an eye out, then go back to what you were doing.

The correct answer is b. Run the other direction and tell an adult. You don't have to even own a dog to buy a leash, and you don't have to have one to make a poster up on your computer. The "help me find my puppy" speech is one of the oldest that bad strangers use to get kids away from where it's safe. Even if they don't believe it, the abductor often uses this to get close enough to grab the child. As abductors become more aggressive, it's important not only to not fall for their story, but to stay well out of their reach.

QUESTION 3: You're very scared. A person has grabbed you off the street and now you're in the trunk of his car. What do you do?

a. Kick and beat on the trunk lid as hard as you can, as long as you're in the trunk. b. Scream until someone rescues you. c. Try to calm down, and then yank all of the wires at the back of the car.