Flying Into the Eye of a Hurricane

Advances in technology have allowed for better hurricane forecasting.

ByABC News
September 9, 2008, 5:41 AM

MACDILL AIR FORCE BASE, Fla., Sept. 9, 2008— -- With a hurricane approaching, most people would want to board a plane to fly as far away possible.

But not the crew of NOAA 43, the National Weather Service's hurricane hunter: It heads straight for the eye of the storm.

Last week, as Hurricane Gustav churned its way toward the United States, "Nightline" hopped aboard a predawn flight from MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., popping air sickness pills before the plane even took off.

The flight plan would take us through the eye of the storm three times.

Federal hurricane researchers have been flying into the eyes of hurricanes for more than 50 years. As their understanding improves, so have the forecasts. Satellites, ground radar and computerized buoys at sea are essential, but if they don't have an accurate analysis of how the storm is behaving, they can't put together an accurate forecast.

Former Navy pilot Mark Nelson is at the controls this morning. He learned to navigate a hurricane's brute force from veteran pilots. He knows people think he's a daredevil, but he insists the flights are completely safe.

"I think if you are not a little bit apprehensive, and if it doesn't make the hair on your neck stand up a little bit, that means you are complacent, and that's not good," Nelson said. " So I would say we are cautious not scared."

Nelson is on one of three hurricane hunter planes, which are operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. They are the most sophisticated airborne weather laboratories in the sky.

There are half a dozen work stations in the back of the plane, each with a computer and monitors filled with radar images and ever-changing data parameters. Jack Parrish, NOAA's chief meteorologist, sits behind one of the work stations on this flight. He has been working on hurricane hunters since 1980. He figures he's flown through almost 500 hurricane eye walls.

He tells us the radars, sensors and computers onboard collect a staggering 250 types of data. On the tale of the plane sits a huge Doppler radar; it is like a sophisticated CT-scan, taking horizontal and vertical images of the hurricane once every six seconds.