Elderly Virginia Woman Finds Intruder Lying Next to Her in Bed

The 82-year-old initially thought it was her dog.

ByABC News
August 3, 2015, 10:36 AM

— -- An elderly woman thought the unexpected guest in her bed Sunday morning was her dog, only to find it was a stranger.

"I said, 'Cooper, what are you doing in my bed at this time of night,' and I held my hand up to smell my hand and then I realized that it was somebody," Reba Shook told WTVR.

Reba Shook thought it was her dog in bed next to her but woke up to find it was an alleged intruder.

Shook, an 82-year-old woman who lives in Crestview, Virginia, said she warned the man, saying, "I don't know what you're after but you ain't going to get nothing here," she told the station.

She said she "started scratching him and, unfortunately, I said some bad words" to scare him off.

Reba Shook thought it was her dog in bed next to her but woke up to find it was an alleged intruder.

And she has a new plan if it happens again.

Shook has decided to buy a gun to protect herself, refusing to move home like her relatives suggested she should, or close the window that she leaves open at night to let her cats come back inside.

"If anybody values their life, they won't try to come through my window," she said.