Fulton County hearing: Trump case hangs in balance as judge mulls DA disqualification

The defense wants to disqualify DA Fani Willis in Trump's Georgia election case.

Last Updated: February 15, 2024, 4:38 PM EST

Following three days of testimony plus closing arguments, Scott McAfee, the judge overseeing former President Donald Trump's Georgia election interference case, is weighing motions to disqualify Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, primarily over accusations from Trump co-defendant Michael Roman that she benefited financially from a "personal, romantic relationship" with prosecutor Nathan Wade, who she hired for the case.

Willis and Wade, in a court filing, admitted to the relationship but said it "does not amount to a disqualifying conflict of interest" and that the relationship "has never involved direct or indirect financial benefit to District Attorney Willis."

Feb 15, 2024, 4:37 PM EST

Judge urges decorum after heated moment

Following a brief recess, the hearing resumed with Judge Scott McAfee urging decorum following the shouting match.

"I advise everyone -- this being a room mostly full of lawyers -- I urge everyone to keep those principles in line and not talk over each other," the judge told the court.

But as Willis' heated testimony continued, the judge threatened to strike Willis's testimony.

"I'm going to have to caution you -- you have to listen to the questions asked, and if this happens again and again, I'm going to have no choice but to strike your testimony," the judge told the DA.

Feb 15, 2024, 4:02 PM EST

'You lied,' Willis tells defense attorney who filed allegations

DA Fani Willis heatedly told defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant "You lied" just before a shouting match broke out.

"You're confused. You think I'm on trial. These people are on trial for trying to steal an election in 2020. I'm not on trial, no matter how hard you try to put me on trial," Willis said forcefully from the stand.

Speaking earlier about prosecutor Nathan Wade, Willis said she and Wade had a "tough conversation" in August after their relationship ended, but that her respect for him has grown "over the seven weeks of these attacks."

That prompted an objection from Trump attorney Steve Sadow.

Willis than answered by saying "You lied" to Merchant, and a shouting match ensued between Sadow, Merchant, Willis and the judge.

The court then went into a brief recess.

Feb 15, 2024, 3:52 PM EST

Willis testifies that she paid for trips in cash

DA Fani Willis pointedly testified that she paid prosecutor Nathan Wade for the cruise they took and Aruba trip they went on -- in cash -- before they even went.

"Did you pay him back? For the cruise and for Aruba?“ asked defense attorney Ashleigh Merchant.

“Yeah, I gave him his money before we ever went on that trip," Willis replied.

"And so when you got cash to pay him back on these trips, did you go to the ATM?" asked Merchant.

"No," said Willis.

"So the cash that you would pay him, you wouldn't get it out of the bank?" Merchant asked.

"I have money in my house," Willis replied. “For many, many years I have kept money in my house."

"I just have cash in my house," Willis continued. "I don't have as much today as I would normally have, but I'm building back up now."

Willis testified that her father says, "As a woman you should always ... you should have at least six months in cash at your house at all time."

"I don't know why this old black man feels like that. But he does," she said.

Feb 15, 2024, 3:41 PM EST

Willis says she and witness haven't had 'consistent friendship'

DA Fani Willis, in heated testimony, said that Robin Yeartie, who testified earlier, betrayed her friendship and that both of them have not retained a "consistent friendship."

"There's a saying, 'No good deed goes unpunished,'" Willis said. "And I think that she betrayed our friendship."

"I ran into her about 10 years ago in Atlanta, Georgia," Willis said of Yeartie. "So we didn't talk throughout that time period. I didn't see her. I didn't even know where she was."

"And so yes, I have known her probably since 1990, 1991, but we have not maintained a consistent relationship that whole time," Willis added.

Earlier, Yeartie testified that Willis told her about the romantic relationship with Wade.

Yeartie said she saw them "hugging, kissing, just affection."

Willis said at one point said she took over Yeartie's lease and would pay her rent in cash or by Cash App.

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