Baby Born in Front Seat of Car While Father Calls 911

A frantic father called 911 when his baby was born on the way to the hospital.

ByABC News
August 19, 2011, 4:18 PM

Aug. 19, 2011 — -- A baby boy entered the world in dramatic fashion this morning -- and it was all caught on a 911 call as his frantic parents sped toward an Ohio hospital.

Andy Marsh, 25, called 911 after he realized his wife was going to give birth in the passenger seat of the couple's Ford Fusion in Anderson Township, Ohio.

"We're in the car, but something is coming out," Marsh told 911 dispatcher Dana Layton.

The baby's crying can be heard in the background.

"The baby is out! The baby is out!" Marsh shouted.

Layton, who has had only one other call of a baby being born in her eight years of service, told her biggest concern was making sure Marsh remained calm so he could focus on the situation.

"It was nice hearing the baby crying in the background," Layton told "You could hear the father smiling through the phone and his anxiety level just going down."

She ordered him to stop his Ford Fusion and wait for paramedics.

Layton said this was one of the most memorable and rewarding calls of her career.

"It was a good call because it was a happy ending," she said.