Pro-Hillary Clinton String Quartet Sends 'Love Letter' With 'Chelsea's Mom'

New York-based Well-Strung says they are rooting for Clinton in 2016.

ByABC News
June 26, 2015, 1:57 PM
New York City-based string quartet Well-Strung has gone viral with their "Chelsea's Mom" tribute to Hillary Clinton.
New York City-based string quartet Well-Strung has gone viral with their "Chelsea's Mom" tribute to Hillary Clinton.
Courtesy Well-Strung

— -- What happens when a string quartet composed of four 20 and 30-something males who have only known adult life with Hillary Clinton in political office want to support the now-presidential candidate?

You get “Chelsea’s Mom,” a “love letter” to Clinton sung by Well-Strung, a singing string quartet based in New York City.

“We knew we wanted to do something publicly in support of her and it just popped into my head,” Well-Strung member Edmund Bagnell told ABC News of the group’s choice to change the namesake of the pop hit “Stacy’s Mom,” by Fountains of Wayne, to Clinton’s daughter, 35-year-old Chelsea Clinton.

In Well-Strung’s campaign version, the chorus’s lyrics are changed from “Stacy’s mom…” to, “Chelsea’s mom has got it going on. She’s all we want and we’ve waited for so long.”

In another section, the group sings of Clinton’s experience, “But now she’s much more than the FLOTUS that she used to be, the nation needs a champion and it’s time for Hillary.”

Bagnell, 30, says the three-year-old quartet spent about a month working on-and-off to get the song’s lyrics just right for the candidate they “kind of felt like we grew up with.”

“We’d come back to it and change a word and replace a section,” he said. “It was really a process. We wanted to get the tone right.”

The group’s song caught the eye of both Clintons, who each separately Tweeted the song’s YouTube link.

“We got their stamp of approval. That was very cool,” Bagnell said.

While Bagnell says most people are “having fun” with the song, as the group intended, there have been some calls that the song is sexist, pointing to the refrain, “she’s sexy and she’s strong.”

“It really wasn’t intended at all that way,” Bagnell said in response. “This was a wink to the original song and, in this case, sexy means appealing.”

Well-Strung is a New York City-based singing string quartet.

“Our intention was just to be a fun love letter to Hillary,” he said.

Bagnell says no one from Clinton’s media or advertising teams have come calling yet, but Well-Strung will be their if their candidate needs them.

“We are at their disposal should they want to use us,” Bagnell said.