The Random Things People on the East Coast Are Buying Before the Blizzard
People are stocking up more than just bread and milk.
— -- As the East Coast braces for a blizzard this weekend, shoppers have raided grocery stores and emptied shelves. Much of what is sold out is expected: bread, milk, toilet paper, and other necessities to hold over residents trapped in their homes and apartments. The pending snowstorm has also shown that many Americans feel the need to stock up on many other things.
Twitter and Instagram has exploded with pictures of what people think is important to stock up on before they go into hibernation this weekend.
Andy Li, 35, of Germantown, Maryland, said his local grocery store was packed the other night and "completely out of stock of cheese, garlic and condoms." People also made sure that they had enough onions to last them through the storm.

Often when people realize they are going to be stuck inside all day they "will utilize food to pass the time," Michael Sinatra, a spokesperson for Whole Foods Market, told ABC News. Thus fun baking projects and snacks tend to sell out very quickly before snowstorms.
Here are what Americans found most important to have at home before the storm hits!
The basics:
Washington, D.C., is in a full-blown bread-and-milk freakout over coming snowstorm.
— Jim Roberts (@nycjim) January 21, 2016
Bacon, of course:
It's gettin' real up on here. #RVA #rvawx #VAWX #WheresTheBacon #Bacon #snowmaggedon2016
— Nichole Elkins (@NRE_baby_B) January 20, 2016
When you have a #snowstorm,there are 4 essentials! Got them? #girlscoutcookies! RSVP here->
— Via Bella (@Via__Bella) January 19, 2016