Support wanes for additional automaker aid

— -- Just one-fourth of Americans think the government should continue lending money to Detroit automakers, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll, even though the manufacturers say they'll go out of business without federal help

That's a huge, and fast, change of heart. In December, before the government approved emergency auto loans, the poll found that 61% favored some kind of government help.

"The more people understand what's wrong with General Motors, gm the less willing they are to support it," says Porter Stansberry, head of Stansberry & Associates Investment Research.

His view: Interest payments on GM's billions in debt would soak up likely profits for years to come. Chrysler probably is in the same shape, he says.

Stansberry says he owns no GM stock and isn't trying to drive down the price to profit from short selling.

Of the 1,013 Americans surveyed Friday through Sunday, 51% said all three Detroit car companies will survive, down from 57% in December.

GM's viability report to the government on Feb. 17 listed net liabilities of $60 billion at the end of the third quarter. GM is to post fourth-quarter results Thursday. Privately held Chrysler, which doesn't report earnings or losses, listed $23.8 billion in debt.

GM has borrowed $13.4 billion from the government and says it needs $16.6 billion more. Chrysler borrowed $4 billion and wants $5 billion more. A government task force is reviewing the requests but isn't required to decide before the automakers say they'll have to start shutting down, on March 31.

Ford Motor f hasn't asked for cash. But Himanshu Patel, auto analyst at JPMorgan Chase, had said in a note to clients Monday, "We think Ford is only nine to 12 months behind GM." The projection: Ford's cash balance will fall to $9 billion by year's end — "roughly its minimum required."

In an e-mail to clients over the weekend about GM stock, Citigroup auto analyst Itay Michaeli said, "We cut our target price to 50 cents from $3." GM shares closed Tuesday at $2.22, up 45 cents, or 25%.

Many of those polled remain loyal to U.S. cars despite the companies' financial problems: 37% said they'd consider buying only vehicles from a U.S. automaker, up from 30% in December. The poll's margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.