Jessie James Decker Posts Honest Message on Instagram About Post-Pregnancy Body Image

The singer-songwriter gave birth to her first son, Eric, in September.

On Thursday, the singer posted a photo on Instagram of her outfit for an upcoming date night with her husband, professional football player Eric Decker.

After receiving multiple comments on how great she looked after having a baby so recently, the star responded to the commenters with an honest and inspiring message about the reality of her post-baby body.

"I appreciate all of the sweet comments about how tiny I look after baby," wrote Decker. "But I don't want to mislead any mommy's who just had babies and are stressing!"

"I gained 55 pounds with my daughter and only 27 this time! I gained so much with her because I threw up every day for five months and of course was starving after so I would shove anything in my mouth to make that hunger feeling go away," revealed the reality T.V. star.

"I am still 15 pounds away from what I was originally before I got pregnant with Vivianne," continued Decker. "I take occasional walks but haven't done anything yet to try and lose weight and am in no rush!"

Decker concluded her message by encouraging new mothers to support each other, and to "never be hard on yourself."

"Being a mommy is so rewarding but hard work so we need to stick together and help each other out," wrote Decker. "I'm not perfect but I do my best."

Decker gave birth to son Eric Thomas Decker II in September. She and her husband Eric also have a 1-year-old daughter named Vivianne Rose.