TV Notes: Dung Flies at MTV

April 6, 2001 -- The poo really hit the fan at MTV during a taping of Dude, This Sucks. Two 14-year-old girls were sprayed with excrement in January and are now suing.

The girls, Monighe Garcia and Kelli Sloat, say they were asked to stand near the stage during the taping and were unaware of what would happen when two men called "Shower Rangers" defecated on stage.

Garcia said she began to gag from the odor.

"This was a terrible incident," said Brian Graden, MTV president of programming. "It was unintended and we regret that it happened."

Fox's Fight Continues

Michael J. Fox is making good on his promise to fight Parkinson's disease.

The actor, stricken with the neurological ailment, vowed to help raise money to find a cure last year when he left Spin City.

On Thursday, the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research awarded its first research grants — to the tune of $1.5 million. "I really do believe that we're on the way to something important," Fox said.

The announcement came just weeks after Parkinson's claimed the life of another actor, Ed Winter, who played the uptight, by-the-book, Commie-hating Col. Flagg on M*A*S*H.

Winter made his Broadway debut in 1966 when he played Ernest in Cabaret, a role that eventually earned him a Tony nomination. Those of you with low-brow sensibilities may remember his stellar work in Porky's II.

Rock in a Hard Place

NBC's 3rd Rock from the Sun is headed for outer space, after a six-year run.

The last new show will air May 22. "We're grateful to the 3rd Rock producers and the out-of-this-world cast who provided NBC with so many seasons of sheer lunacy," an NBC executive said.

The show stars John Lithgow, Jane Curtain, Kristen Johnston, French Stewart and Joseph Gordon-Levitt.'s Buck Wolf and Nancy Chandross and ABCNEWS Radio contributed to this report.