Tobago Deacon: Ban Elton John, He'll Make You Gay

March 16, 2007 — -- Elton John is getting a cold reception from church leaders in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago.

The gossip Web site is reporting that the archdeacon of the Caribbean country wants to ban John from a local jazz festival for fear that he'll tempt locals into becoming gay.

John is scheduled to headline Tobago's Plymouth Jazz Festival in April, but the country's Archdeacon Philip Isaac told a Jamaican newspaper, "His visit to the island can open the country to be tempted towards pursuing his lifestyle."

Isaac also added, "[He] is one of God's children and while his lifestyle is questionable, he needs to be ministered unto."

Under Trinidad and Tobago's strict immigration laws, it is legal to bar openly gay individuals from entering the two islands.

Despite the archdeacon's homophobic request, organizers of the Plymouth Jazz Festival believe the singer's performance and his private life should be mutually exclusive. They insist John will close the three-day concert on April 29, despite the chance of church groups protesting the event.

Besides John, other artists scheduled to perform at the jazz festival include Diana Ross, Mary J. Blige, LL Cool J and Gladys Knight.