You'll never guess what Oprah bought after earning her first million dollars

The icon shares some words of wisdom.

The mogul, 65, revealed some of her tips to living her "best life" to little girls dressed up as mini versions of herself in a new sweet video for

Winfrey shares that she's had many "aha moments" through her life, but one that stands out is realizing, "when people show you who they are, believe them the first time."

When asked about what she did when she earned her first million dollars, Winfrey shared that she took a picture with her check and invested in an unusual purchase.

"The thing that I splurged on was really good fluffy towels. I love great towels. Towels that are so big and fluffy you can wrap your whole self," she said, adding that they were Ralph Lauren.

The best thing that happened to Winfrey after she finished college? "I got a job in television. That job in television lead to a career in television, which lead to a magazine, which lead to me being who I am now."

She also told little girl Brooklyn, 5, about the best thing she learned when she "became a grown up."

"I was in charge in my life, and that the best thing I could do ever is be a person who listened to what my heart said, listened to what I believed to be true, and not listen to everybody else's ideas about what I should do or who I should be," she said.

Check out the full video to hear all of Winfrey's words of wisdom.