Health Tip: Burping Baby

July 15 -- (HealthDay News) -- Brand new parents may be uneasy about the best way to burp their newborn.

The Nemours Foundations suggests that you may have to stop feeding fussy infants every two or three ounces. The foundation offers this list of popular positions for burping baby:

  • Sit upright and place the infant against your chest with baby's chin resting on your shoulder. It's a good idea to place a towel or burp cloth there to spare your clothes.
  • Hold your baby with one hand and support the head and neck, using the other hand to gently and repeatedly pat baby's back.
  • Sit baby on your knee, with one hand holding baby's chest and cupping the chin. Then, gently pat baby's back with your other hand.
  • Lie baby belly-down across your lap, with the head a little higher than the chest. Gently pat baby's back until you hear a burp.