Coronavirus updates: 1st vaccines now on the way to all 50 US states

Two main trucks left the Pfizer facility on Sunday morning, the company said.

A pandemic of the novel coronavirus has now infected more than 71.5 million people and killed over 1.6 million worldwide, according to real-time data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.


Biden lays out top COVID-19 priorities for 1st 100 days in office

President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday outlined his top three COVID-19 priorities for his first 100 days in office: a 100-day mask-wearing program, 100 million doses of the vaccine into Americans arms in the first 100 days, and getting schools reopened permanently.

"We didn’t get into this mess quickly. We're not going to get out of it quickly," Biden said. "But I'm absolutely convinced that, in 100 days, we can change the course of the disease and change life in America for the better."

Biden warned that distributing the vaccine would be one of the hardest and costliest challenges the country will face and will require the cooperation of Congress.

“We’re gonna need Congress to fully fund vaccine distribution to all corners of the country, to everyone," Biden said. "I'm encouraged by the bipartisan efforts in Congress around a $900 billion economic relief package which I've said is critical, but this package is only a start for more action early next year."

"We'll also need the Trump administration to act now," Biden added, "to purchase the doses it has negotiated with Pfizer and Moderna, and to work swiftly to scale manufacturing to U.S. populations and the world."

ABC News' Molly Nagle contributed to this report.

Washington state extends restrictions through holidays

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said the state's restriction on social gatherings, restaurants, bars, gyms and religious services will be extended to Jan. 4, 2021.

"We need to buckle down through the holidays," Inslee tweeted.

"The hospitalization projections are scary. We’re already at 80% ICU capacity," Inslee said, adding, "our hospitals are still on the brink."

Washington state has over 184,000 diagnosed COVID-19 cases and at least 2,941 fatalities.

Over 150 arrested at 'super spreader' party in LA County

Thirty-five juveniles and 116 adults were arrested at a "super spreader" underground party this weekend in Palmdale, California, said Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva.

The sheriff said the party was in clear violation of the governor's stay-at-home order, adding that the party would have been targeted without the pandemic due to allegations of drugs, weapons, prostitution and underage trafficking.

ABC News' Alex Stone contributed to this report.

Massachusetts enacts new restrictions as cases, hospitalizations rise

Massachusetts will roll back its reopening plans on Sunday as cases and hospitalizations rise in the aftermath of Thanksgiving, Gov. Charlie Baker said.

Capacity will be reduced from 50% to 40% in facilities including offices, gyms, places of worship and retail stores, Baker said.

In offices, people must wear masks when they're not alone, and at gyms, customers must wear masks at all times.

Changes are also coming to Massachusetts restaurants. Customers must wear masks at all times except when eating and drinking, and their time at tables will be capped at 90 minutes.

Operation Warp Speed chief says he doesn't know what executive order Trump is signing

The chief science adviser to Operation Warp Speed, the U.S. government's initiative to expedite vaccine development, said he doesn't know what vaccine-related executive order President Donald Trump is expected to sign on Tuesday.

"Frankly, I don't know and, frankly, I'm staying out of this. I can't comment," Dr. Moncef Slaoui told ABC News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos in an interview Tuesday on "Good Morning America."

When pressed on the matter, Slaoui added: "Our work is, you know, rolling. We have plans. We feel that we can deliver the vaccines as needed, so I don't exactly [know] what this order is about."

Trump is expected to discuss the order at a COVID-19 vaccine summit to be held at the White House later Tuesday, multiple White House officials told reporters during a background briefing on Monday evening. While it's not entirely clear on how exactly the order would work, the move is designed to prevent the U.S. government from shipping any vaccine doses it has purchased to aid foreign countries until all the needs within the United States are met.

White House officials also denied reports that the Trump administration turned down an offer last summer to purchase an additional 400 million doses of a COVID-19 vaccine developed by U.S. pharmaceutical giant Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, and that the companies now may not be able to provide more of their vaccine to the United States until June 2021 because they have committed those doses to other countries.

When asked about the matter, Slaoui explained Operation Warp Speed's strategy in securing vaccine doses.

"We selected six different vaccines to build a portfolio to manage the risk that some may work and some may not work, but also to ensure that as more than one would work that we would accumulate vaccine doses from this portfolio of vaccines," he said. "If somebody came to us and said, let's buy more of this vaccine or that vaccine, no one reasonably would buy more from any one of those vaccines because we didn't know which one would work and which one may be better than the other. Once the vaccine's performance becomes known is the right time, given the strategy we've taken, to go and order more vaccine doses, which we may be doing. And frankly, the constructive thing to do if one of the suppliers has challenges producing enough vaccine doses is to roll our sleeves and help ensure that capacity can be increased."

Slaoui said he's confident the U.S. government will be getting vaccines to Americans who need them "as soon as possible" and that plans are "still on track."

"We will work with Pfizer to try and increase capacity and have those vaccines available," he said. "We have two more vaccines from J&J and AstraZeneca that will be completing their Phase 3 trials in January and most likely, I hope, be approved for use in February. We have tens of millions of doses from those vaccines, you know, participating to the volume of vaccines we need to immunize the U.S. population as we promised, all of it by the middle of the year 2021 and that's still on track."

Slaoui said Operation Warp Speed has a meeting with President-elect Joe Biden's transition team scheduled for Thursday.

"We look forward to, you know, sharing all the information and working together," he said. "Our objective has always been outside of politics and making sure we make available these vaccines for the U.S. people, and that's what we're doing."

ABC News' Ben Gittleson, John Parkinson and Eric Strauss contributed to this report.