Nearly 74% of eligible Americans have at least 1 COVID-19 vaccine dose

In 13 states, over 80% of the population has at least one dose, CDC data shows.

The United States is facing a COVID-19 surge this summer as the more contagious delta variant spreads.

More than 655,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 while over 4.6 million people have died from the disease worldwide, according to real-time data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

Just 62.7% of Americans ages 12 and up are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


Biden to lay out next steps on testing, vaccine requirements, school safety

President Joe Biden will lay out a six-prong strategy to combat the delta variant on Thursday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said.

"He's going to outline the next phase in the fight against the virus and what that looks like, including measures to work with the public and private sector, building on the steps that we've already announced, the steps we've taken over the last few months, requiring more vaccinations, boosting important testing measures and more, making it safer for kids to go to school," Psaki said Wednesday.

-ABC News' Molly Nagle

Over 95% of US counties reporting high community transmission

More than 95% of U.S. counties are now reporting high community transmission, the highest level since CDC tracking began, according to federal data.

The average daily case rate (per 100,000) is now higher among children ages 5 to 17 than all adult age groups.

Death rates are continuing to surge with about 1,000 Americans dying from COVID-19 each day, according to federal data.

Americans between the ages of 18 and 49 made up about one-third -- 34.4% -- of the patients hospitalized as of Aug. 28.

-ABC News' Arielle Mitropoulos

Fauci: 3rd shot likely going to become standard regimen

In an interview with the podcast “In the Bubble,” Dr. Anthony Fauci told former White House adviser Andy Slavitt that he predicts three doses will become the standard dosing regimen for COVID-19 vaccines going forward.

Fauci cited new data from Israel that vaccine protection against hospitalization dropped in recent months from some 97% to 77% or 78%.

The vaccines still provide extraordinary protection, but the combination of the delta variant and waning immunity with time are causes for concern, he said.

Fauci added that that he thinks it will probably be the end of 2022 or early 2023 before much of the world is vaccinated.

-ABC News' Anne Flaherty

Kentucky hospitals on brink of rationing care: Governor

Kentucky is "quickly approaching that point" where hospitals will need to start rationing care, Gov. Andy Beshear warned on CNN.

Over two-thirds of Kentucky's hospitals have critical staffing shortages, the governor said. FEMA and National Guard teams have been called in and nursing students have been deployed across the state, he said.

"We've got one hospital in Morehead called St. Clair that's closed three operating rooms to expand ICU bed space," he said. "We had a hospital in Danville, Kentucky, that's not used to treating really sick patients, that had a morgue for two -- and had seven individuals pass away in their hospital over one weekend."

"We've set up tents outside Pikeville Medical Center to triage whether people really need to be in the hospital or not," Beshear continued. "We're in a very precarious situation."

-ABC News' Brian Hartman

74 million in US eligible for vaccine but remain unvaccinated 

Some 74 million Americans eligible for the vaccine still aren't vaccinated, White House COVID-19 Data Director Cyrus Shahpar said Saturday.

Still, many are flocking to get their shots with “+903K doses reported administered over yesterday’s total,” Shahpar said, with 395,000 of them being new vaccinations.