Obama to make Olympics ad pitch: ‘I believe'

— -- Looking for a little bit of that Olympics magic, President Barack Obama's reelection campaign will run an ad highlighting his middle class-focused economic pitch during the opening ceremonies of the 2012 Summer Games in London.

"We're a nation of workers and doers and dreamers. We work hard for what we get. And all we ask for is that our hard work pays off," Obama says in the 33-second commercial.

"I believe that the way you grow the economy is from the middle, out. I believe in fighting for the middle class, 'cause if they're prospering, all of us will prosper. That's the idea of America, and that's why America is the greatest nation on Earth!"

The ad centers on Obama's core economic message: That he will champion the middle class. But it omits one of his stump speech staples: The charge that Republican challenger Mitt Romney mostly cares about the very wealthiest. The Democrats' campaign hopes that message will help cast the November election as more of a choice between two visions than a referendum on an economy that is still sputtering and saddled with 8.2 percent unemployment three and a half years after Obama took office.

The former Massachusetts governor will be at the opening ceremonies, part of an overseas trip to polish his foreign policy credentials. First Lady Michelle Obama is leading the official American delegation to the event.