Giuliani Says Trump 'Ashamed' of Remarks but He and Clinton Both 'Flawed Candidates'

Trump is "ashamed of himself" for the lewd comments, Giuliani said.

"Whether it happened or not, I don't know," Giuliani said on ABC's "This Week." "How much exaggeration was involved in that, I don't know. I do know there's a tendency on that part of some men at different times to exaggerate things like this,"

A growing list of Republicans have ended their support of their party’s nominee, with some going as far as calling for Trump to step aside.

Trump has been adamant that he will not withdraw his candidacy, tweeting Saturday, “I will never drop out of the race, will never let my supporters down.”

Giuliani also addressed Donald Trump’s debate strategy going into tonight’s town-hall style debate.

Asked if the Republican nominee would go after Bill Clinton’s marital infidelities, Trump’s adviser said that “depends on how the debate goes.”

The former New York City mayor also said he is sure Donald Trump will apologize to Americans at the debate tonight in St. Louis.

“I believe that Donald Trump is going to show up tonight and he's going to explain to people why he's remaining in the race,” he said.