Georgia Senate elections live updates: Jon Ossoff projected to win Ga. Senate seat

The projected win cements Democrats' control of the Senate.

ABC News projected early Wednesday that Rev. Raphael Warnock will win the race against Kelly Loeffler and on Wednesday afternoon that Jon Ossoff is projected to defeat David Perdue. Together, the two projected wins hand Democrats control of the Senate.

For live updates on the vote totals, click here.


Warnock reflects on historic win as an 'example of the American dream'

Fresh off his projected victory, Warnock stopped by ABC News’ “The View” on Wednesday to discuss his historic win.

“I am delighted and deeply honored that the people of Georgia have chosen me to represent them in the United States Senate,” Warnock said. “I know that these are some difficult and dark days, but every now and then God sends us a glimpse of hope and light, I think to encourage us to keep fighting the good fight.”

Warnock spoke directly to those who are struggling right now, saying, “you are looking at an iteration and example of the American dream."

“I grew up in public housing. I'm one of 12 children in my family. I'm number 11 and the first college graduate,” Warnock added.

While ABC News has not projected an Ossoff victory, Warnock said he is confident that when the votes are counted he will prevail.

“I have no doubt that Jon Ossoff will also be a United States senator from the state of Georgia.”

The Ebenezer Baptist Church pastor added he hopes the Senate can be “a force for good.”

Warnock said he has not heard from the Loeffler campaign since his projected victory, but said he hopes to represent all Georgians, even those who did not vote for him.

Biden reacts to Georgia runoffs 

President-elect Joe Biden issued a lengthy statement on the Georgia Senate runoff elections, congratulating Rev. Raphael Warnock on his win and saying he is “hopeful that when the count is complete, Jon Ossoff will also be victorious.”

“Georgia's voters delivered a resounding message yesterday: They want action on the crises we face and they want it right now. On COVID-19, on economic relief, on climate, on racial justice, on voting rights and so much more. They want us to move, but move together,” Biden said. “It looks like we will emerge from yesterday's election with Democratic leadership in the House and the Senate, and of course I'm pleased that we will be able to work with Speaker Pelosi and a Majority Leader Schumer.”

“But I’m also just as determined today as I was yesterday to try to work with people in both parties — at the federal, state, and local levels — to get big things done for our nation,” the president-elect added.

-ABC News’ Molly Nagle

At least 4.4 million vote in Georgia contests

Georgia voters set a new record in Tuesday's runoff elections, with more than 4.4 million voters participating in the dual races.

The surge in turnout so far -- with votes still to be tallied -- wallops previous records for a runoff and also surpasses the total turnout for the 2016 general election.

Between the two races, turnout is nearly identical, according to the most recent data from the secretary of state’s office: 4,406,279 in the Loeffler/Warnock race and 4,406,181 in the Perdue/Ossoff race. The figures cap off two highly competitive contests in the emerging battleground state, and although Republicans were considered the favorites -- particularly given Democrats' poor showings in runoff elections historically in the state -- an engaged electorate helped deliver at least one projected win for Democrats so far.

Before Tuesday, turnout was already record-shattering, with 3,093,375 voters casting their ballots early (1,018,381 by mail and 2,074,994 early in-person), according to Georgia Votes. The previous record of 2.14 million was set in 2008.

The total early vote also included at least 123,079 who did not participate in November's general election, when nearly 5 million votes were tallied.

-ABC News’ Kendall Karson

Romney suggests Trump might have cost Republicans a win in Georgia

Sen. Mitt Romney, R-UT, suggested that Trump’s rhetoric might have stopped Republicans from winning Georgia’s Senate runoff contests. ABC News has projected a Warnock victory but has not yet projected Ossoff as the winner -- though he has garnered a significant lead.

"It turns out that telling the voters that the election is rigged is not a great way to turn out your voters," Romney told reporters Wednesday morning.

Romney brushed off questions about his flight to Washington, D.C., Tuesday night, where video shows him being heckled by possible Trump supporters.

"That's something I've gotten used to over the years,” Romney said. “That's the nature of politics today.”

-ABC News’ Allie Pecorin

Majority of Georgia voters think presidential election was fair

A majority of voters in Georgia's Senate runoffs think the presidential election was fair, preliminary exit poll results show.

More than half -- 56% -- of voters think the presidential election in Georgia was conducted fairly, while 41% do not, according to the preliminary results.

President-elect Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump by nearly 12,000 votes in Georgia. Trump repeatedly has made unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud in Georgia, among other states.

Most voters also express at least some confidence in the current runoff elections. Seventy-three percent are very or somewhat confident that votes in the runoffs will be counted accurately, while 26% are not very or not at all confident, according to the preliminary results. This is down from a similar question in November, when 85% were very or somewhat confident that votes in their state would be counted accurately.

-ABC News' Gary Langer, Christine Filer and Steven Sparks