The Note: Hillary Clinton’s Big Break




NOTED: WHY FIORINA KEEPS TALKING ABOUT HOT DOGS. In a presidential campaign in which the candidates are constantly peppered with questions on everything from how to defeat ISIS to how to reform the tax code, Carly Fiorina is still wrestling with the answer to one of the first questions she ever received as a candidate. The great hot dog debate, which began during a Periscope town hall on the same day she launched her White House bid in May, has now become a frequent topic of conversation for her on the campaign trail. She's even taken to posing it to the audiences she speaks to across the country. ABC's JORDYN PHELPS has more.

JOHN KASICH IS CHUGGING ALONG (BUT STRUGGLING TO GET HIS NAME OUT). A jovial John Kasich, the Republican governor of Ohio, stood before a friendly audience at the University of Richmond on Monday, saying he would take just "one simple, last question" from the crowd. According to ABC's BEN GITTLESON, a man stood up and looked Kasich, who's running for president, straight in the eye. "People have called you the 'Happy Warrior," he said. "But whenever I see you on TV, I see a lot more happy, and I just, I don't really feel like, a visceral sense that, like, you're the guy that can, like, do it."

BEN CARSON APPEARS TO BE SECOND-GUESSING OREGON SHOOTING VICTIMS. As the GOP candidate has come under fire for his controversial gun control comments, Ben Carson has repeatedly attempted to provide the American people with a solution if a massacre -- such as the one that happened at Umpqua Community College in Oregon last week -- were to happen again. Carson suggested that the victims should have rushed the shooter to prevent more lives from being lost, and he said he would have confronted the gunman and would have instructed people to attack the gunman, ABC's KATHERINE FAULDERS reports.

RUBIO'S CONGRESSIONAL VOTING RECORD DRAWS FIRE FROM DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS ALIKE. Out on the stump, this presidential candidate often talks about the need for a fully-funded military. But when the Senate got together to vote on the National Defense Authorization Act at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Marco Rubio was nowhere to be found. Instead, the GOP hopeful was in the air, on a flight headed from LaGuardia Airport to Manchester, N.H., for a two-day campaign swing through the state. ABC's INES DE LA CUETARA has more.


WHAT IT'S LIKE TO BE AN EX-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: THE SCOTT WALKER STORY. It's been two weeks and two days since Scott Walker suspended his presidential campaign, and the former GOP contender- who was once leading the polls in Iowa and gaining early support from the likes of the Koch brothers -- is settling back into his day job as governor of Wisconsin. According to Twitter, he's been busy, but leading a very different life than he had before dropping out of the race on Sept. 21. ABC's MADISON JAROS has more.


@pivit: State of the Race: The Democratic Candidates ...

@OWHnews: Carly Fiorina says she has the support of Jeff Fortenberry, Howard and Rhonda Hawks #election2016:

@TheBradMielke: At a town hall at MoJoe's restaurant in Manchester, @GovChristie says immigration debate has become "sophomoric."

@llerer: Anonymous donors send millions to pro-Rubio group by @bykowicz

@adamslily: "She's very genuine and not afraid to be articulate on things." #iacaucus ...