Transcript of Bush on Al Arabiya

— -- Q    Mr. President, thank you for giving us this chance here in Al

Arabyia.  Regarding the alleged abuse of Iraqiprisoners, six U.S. soldiers are beingreprimanded.  Do you think that's enough?

THE PRESIDENT:  First, I want to tell the people of the Middle East that the practices thattook place in that prison are abhorrent and they don't represent America.  They represent the actions of a few people.Secondly, it's important for people to understand that in a democracy thatthere will be a full investigation.  Inother words, we want to know the truth.

In our country, when there's anallegation of abuse -- more than an allegation in this case, actual abuse, wesaw the pictures -- there will be a full investigation and justice will bedelivered.  We have a presumption ofinnocent until you're guilty in our system, but the system will be transparent,it will be open and people will see the results.  This is a serious matter.  It's a matter that reflects badly on mycountry.  Our citizens in America are appalled by what theysaw, just like people in the Middle East are appalled.  We share the same deep concerns.  And we will find the truth, we will fullyinvestigate.  The world will see theinvestigation and justice will be served.

Q    And you just -- you've said this is reflected badly here, in

the United States of America.  How do you think this will be perceived inthe Middle East?

THE PRESIDENT:  Terrible. I think people in the Middle East who want to dislike America will use this as an excuseto remind people about their dislike.  Ithink the average citizen will say, this isn't a country that I've been toldabout.  We're a great country becausewe're a free country, and we do not tolerate these kind of abuses.

Thepeople of the Middle Eastmust be assured that we will investigate fully, that we will find out thetruth.  They will know the truth, justlike the American citizens will know the truth, and justice will be served.

Secondly, it's very important for thepeople of the Middle East to realize that the troops we have overseas aredecent, honorable citizens who care about freedom and peace; that are workingdaily in Iraq to improve the lives of the Iraqi citizens, and these actions ofa few people do not reflect the nature of the men and women who serve ourcountry.

Q    After these pictures came out, some people in the area started

talking about anotheralleged abuse.  Could you tell us aboutwhat's being done to prevent this from happening and just to improve thesituation?

THE PRESIDENT:  Absolutely. I have told our Secretary of Defense, and I have instructed him to telleverybody else in the military, I want to know the full extent of theoperations in Iraq, the prison operations.  We want to make sure that if there is asystemic problem -- in other words, if there's a problem system-wide -- that westop the practices.

Again, it's very important for people,your listeners, to understand, in our country that when an issue is brought toour attention on this magnitude, we act -- and we act in a way where leadersare willing to discuss it with the media. And we act in a way where, you know, our Congress asks pointed questionsto the leadership.  In other words,people want to know the truth.  Thatstands in contrast to dictatorships.  Adictator wouldn't be answering questions about this.  A dictator wouldn't be saying that the systemwill be investigated and the world will see the results of theinvestigation.  A dictator wouldn't admitreforms needed to be done.

And so the people in the Middle East must understand that thiswas horrible.  But we're dealing with itin a way that will bring confidence to not only our citizens, which is veryimportant, but confidence to people of the world that this situation will berectified and justice will be done.

Q    We are going to Fallujah -- the way the situation is being

resolved, is beingconsidered in some parts of Iraq as a defeat to U.S. How do you address that, ordo you have anything to address --

THE PRESIDENT:  Yes, of course.  The strategy in Fallujah is to empower Iraqisto step up and take control of the security situation; that we're on our way tothe transfer of sovereignty.  And peoplewho feel like that they can wreak havoc on innocent Iraqis will be brought tojustice in Iraq, either by Iraqi citizensand/or by coalition forces.

And we're making progress.  There are a few people there in Iraq thatwant to claim credit for any situation on the ground, but the people inFallujah are tired of foreign fighters and radicals and extremists preventingthem from living a normal life.  Andthose who remain in Fallujah will be taken care of.  And the Iraqi forces that have been stood upare now in the process of patrolling the streets and bringing law and order tothe streets.

Q    June the 30th is approaching.  Howdo you think -- still Mr.

Sadr in defense with U.S.,how do you think this person should be dealt with?

THE PRESIDENT:  I think he ought to be dealt with by theIraqi citizens who are getting tired of him occupying the holiest of holysites. And we are very respectful for the holy sites in Iraq, we understandtheir importance to the Iraqi citizens. Mr. Sadr is occupying those sites as if they're his, and I think theIraqi citizens are getting tired of that.

We will deal with his militias, as willthe Iraqi forces deal with these militias. Militias are people who are willing to kill, intimidate and try to takematters into their own hands, which is not the way democracy functions.  Free societies do not allow thugs to roamstreets and hold people hostage to their whims. The Iraqis will deal with Mr. Sadr.

Q    June the 30th, do you think your administration is really

prepared right now to have avery, very nice day -- in that day to give the power to Iraqis?

THE PRESIDENT:  Absolutely we're prepared to do so.  When we say we're going to do something,we're going to do it.  As you know, theUnited Nations, the coalition, as well as Iraqi citizens are preparing theentity to which sovereignty will be passed. There will still be a lot of hard work to do, and we want to help.

The Iraqi citizens must understandAmerica is not going to leave until the job is complete.  We want to help Iraq.  We've made a commitment. And the UnitedStates will keep that commitment because we believe in freedom and we believethe people of Iraq want to be free.  Webelieve they want to raise their children in a peaceful world.  We believe they want to educate theirchildren in good schools.  We want to --we believe they want to realize their own personal ambitions.  If they're a businessman or a businesswoman,they want to build their own business in peace. That's what we believe.

And, therefore, we stand side-by-sidewith the people of Iraq who are peaceful. And there's a lot of peaceful people that look for a better day. I'mvery proud of the brave Iraqis who've stood up, and I'm very proud of our ownmen and women in uniform who are helping Iraq to become free.

Q    Mr. President, critics are saying that by your action in Iraq

actually invited al Qaedaand other terrorists to do business with you over there.  Could you address that?

THE PRESIDENT:  Sure. Do you remember September the 11th, 2001?  Al Qaeda attacked the United States.  They killed thousands of our citizens. I willnever forget what they have done to us. They declared war on us. And the United States will pursue them.  And so long as I'm the President, we will bedetermined, steadfast, and strong as we pursue those people who kill innocentlives because they hate freedom.

And, of course, al Qaeda looks for anyexcuse.  But the truth of the matter is,they hate us, and they hate freedom, and they hate people who embracefreedom.  And they're willing to killinnocent Iraqis because Iraqis are willing to be free.  Iraqis are sick of foreign people coming intheir country and trying to destabilize their country.  And we will help them rid Iraq of thesekillers.

Q    Mr. President, you went to Iraq as a part of your project in

the Middle East, andflourish democracy over there.  To whichextent you are willing to go further to flourish a democracy?  Are we going to see in the future more actionagainst some other countries to flourish democracy over there, like Syria?

THE PRESIDENT:  No, I think it's -- first of all, you've gotto understand, sir, that military options are always my last option, not thefirst option, and that we can promote freedom without use of military. Thereare ways to stand with reformers and encourage reform and hold up examples ofwhere societies are more stable and more free as a result of democracy andfreedom.

      Secondly, it's very important for thepeople of the Middle East to understand that freedom doesn't have to look likeAmerica.  A free society doesn't have tolook like an American society.  Freesocieties will develop according to the cultures of the people in the regionsand the Middle East. And reform and freedom take time.  I understand that.  It takes time for a free society toemerge.  And so America can affectfreedom in different kinds of ways.

But inherent in your question was, youknow, am I anxious to use military power? Iraq was a unique situation because Saddam Hussein had constantly defiedthe world and had threatened his neighbors, had used weapons of massdestruction, had terrorist ties, had torture chambers inside his country, hadmass graves.  It was a very uniquesituation.  And he was given a chance tomeet the demands of the free world in a peaceful way, but he chose -- he chosewar.

We can make progress with freedom andpeace because I believe deep in the heart and soul of every human being is adesire to be free.  And America willcontinue to speak to those aspirations.

Q    My last question, Mr. President. You gave assurance to Sharon

government.  From Al Arabyia, in these last questions,what kind of assurance are you going to give to Palestinian today?

THE PRESIDENT:  I stood up in front of the world and saidthat the Palestinian people ought to have their own state.  I'm the first President to have ever saidthat.  And my assurance is, is that Ihave not changed my vision of two states living side-by-side in peace.  And that -- Prime Minister Sharon made adecision to withdraw from the Gaza and from settlements on the West Bank, whichI thought was a very strong decision and an important decision, because it nowgives us a chance to move in and to say to the Palestinians, here's your chanceto build a state, to put the institutions in place for a state to emerge, thatspeaks to the aspirations and hopes of the Palestinian people, that is apeaceful state.

And we want to help.  And that's why yesterday you saw a statementcoming out of the Quartet, which is a part of the road map -- the road mapprocess that says, let's work together to give the Palestinians hope.  And my commitment to the Palestinian peopleis, when peaceful leaders emerge, when people are willing to fight off terror,they will have a great opportunity to see this state emerge.  And America will help.

Q    Mr. President, thank you so much for discussing.  Enjoy your

day.  It's sunny, so I hope you have a good day.

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you, sir.  It is a sunny day.