Cheney Uses Cane After Foot Injury

Jan. 6, 2006 — -- Vice President Dick Cheney was walking with the help of a cane on his right side today in Kansas City, Mo., and sat at the podium for his remarks instead of standing.

"I'm a little hobbled up today. I'm not ordinarily carrying a cane like that, but Don Rumsfeld's been chewing on my ankles," Cheney joked.

The cane is for a foot injury, his spokeswoman said.

"It's a recurrence of a pre-existing foot condition that's being treated with rest, staying off [the foot] and anti-inflammatories," Cheney press secretary Lea Anne McBride told ABC News.

On Sept. 28, 2005, Cheney appeared in the Rose Garden using a cane on his right side after surgery for arterial aneurysms behind both knees.

The vice president had surgery on Sept. 24 to treat the arterial aneurysms. He was originally going in for surgery on just the right knee, with the left knee slated for surgery at a future date, but doctors decided that day to operate on both knees.