Burris dismisses senator's advice to resign

WASHINGTON -- Illinois Sen. Roland Burris refused to relinquish his seat Tuesday — despite public pressure to resign from a top Senate Democrat.

"I told him that under the circumstances I would consider resigning," Sen. Dick Durbin, Illinois' senior senator and the Senate's No. 2 Democrat said after a nearly hour-long meeting with Burris. "He's told me clearly that he will not resign."

Burris, a Democrat, was appointed to the Senate by former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich, who was removed from office last month after federal prosecutors accused him of trying to sell the Senate seat vacated by President Obama.

Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn and other political leaders in the state have called for Burris to step down after he offered conflicting accounts of contacts with Blagojevich and his associates prior to Burris' appointment. Burris last week disclosed that he had tried to raise money for Blagojevich at the time he was being considered for the post — a point he did not make in sworn testimony at a state impeachment hearing.

Burris, who has denied any wrongdoing, refused comment.

"My attorney suggests I don't discuss this," he said over his shoulder as he waited for an elevator after the private meeting with Durbin.

Durbin called Burris' recent revelations "troubling" and said it would be "extremely difficult" for him to mount a successful campaign for the primary or general election next year.

Durbin was clearly frustrated by the meeting. He said he had advised Burris not to accept the appointment in the first place. "My advice, obviously, doesn't move him," Durbin said.

The "people of Illinois are … weary of this stuff," he added. "They want this Blagojevich burlesque to end."

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said little about Burris. The two had a brief exchange Tuesday on the Senate floor. The Associated Press said Reid later told reporters that he had simply asked Burris about the week-long congressional break, which ended Monday.

Asked about the calls for Burris to resign, Reid spokesman Jim Manley said in an e-mail to USA TODAY: "That is up to Senator Burris to decide."

Durbin said Burris is the subject of an investigation by the Senate Ethics Committee. He said he would find a way "to cooperate and work together" with Burris despite their differences.

"I don't want the people of Illinois to lose anything because of this controversy," he said.