Trips Disclosed by California's Delegation

April 26, 2005 -- -- Members of Congress were given more than $16 million worth of trips by private corporations and non-profit organizations between 2000 and winter 2005, according to PoliticalMoneyLine. The group received the information from the clerk of the House of Representatives and the secretary of the Senate.

Here is a list of the cost of privately funded trips disclosed by California's congressional delegation:


Barbara Boxer (D): disclosed 14 trips at a cost of $68,791.

Dianne Feinstein (D): disclosed three trips at a cost of $584.


Joe Baca (D): disclosed one trip at a cost of $589.

Xavier Becerra (D): disclose 16 trips at a cost of $24,111.

Howard Berman (D): had not filed a trip as of March 31, 2005.

Mary Bono (R): had not filed a trip as of March 31, 2005.

Ken Calvert (R): disclosed eight trips at a cost of $4,905.

Lois Capps (D): disclosed 17 trips at a cost of $32,967.

Dennis Cardoza (D): disclosed six trips at a cost of $28,731.

Jim Costa (D): disclosed two trips at a cost of $1,730.

Christopher Cox (R): disclosed 11 trips at a cost of $8,871.

Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R): disclosed six trips at a cost of $25,572.

Susan Davis (D): disclosed six trips at a cost of $17,783.

John Doolittle (R): disclosed 21 trips at a cost of $47,377.

David Dreier (R): disclosed 19 trips at a cost of $24,704.

Anna G. Eshoo (D): disclosed 11 trips at a cost of $38,840.

Sam Farr (D): disclosed 15 trips at a cost of $58,721.

Bob Filner (D): disclosed eight trips at a cost of $7,099.

Elton Gallegly (R): disclosed three trips at a cost of $11,000.

Jane Harman (D): disclosed four trips at a cost of $10,838.

Wally Herger (R): disclosed 21 trips at a cost of $61,750.

Mike Honda (D): disclosed 15 trips at a cost of $14,473.

Duncan Hunter (R): disclosed one trip at a cost of $448.

Darrell Issa (R): disclosed 10 trips at a cost of $45,635.

Tom Lantos (D): disclosed 22 trips at a cost of $79,005.

Barbara Lee (D): disclosed 29 trips at a cost of $65,321.

Jerry Lewis (R): disclosed one trip at a cost of $1,740.

Zoe Lofgren (D): disclosed two trips at a cost of $1,751.

Daniel E. Lungren (R): disclosed three trips at a cost of $1,488.

Howard "Buck" McKeon (R): disclosed 10 trips at a cost of $30,819.

Doris O. Matsui (D): had not filed a trip as of March 31, 2005.

Juanita Millender-McDonald (D): disclosed two trips at a cost of $1,769.

Gary Miller (R): disclosed two trips at a cost of $22,566.

George Miller (D): disclosed 35 trips at a cost of $137,999.

Grace Napolitano (D): disclosed 28 trips at a cost of $26,416.

Devin Nunes (R): disclosed one trip at a cost of $10,093.

Nancy Pelosi (D): disclosed six trips at a cost of $12,628.

Richard Pombo (R): disclosed seven trips at a cost of $20,535.

George P. Radanovich (R): disclosed 15 trips at a cost of $39,604.

Dana Rohrabacher (R): disclosed 11 trips at a cost of $113,973.

Lucille Roybal-Allard (D): disclosed four trips at a cost of $7,023.

Ed Royce (R): disclosed four trips at a cost of $4,302.

Linda Sanchez (D): disclosed 12 trips at a cost of $51,891.

Loretta Sanchez (D): disclosed 31 trips at a cost of $61,672.

Adam Schiff (D): disclosed 10 trips at a cost of $27,024.

Brad Sherman (D): disclosed one trip at a cost of $340.

Hilda Solis (D): disclosed nine trips at a cost of $11,972.

Fortney Pete Stark (D): disclosed nine trips at a cost of $43,758.

Ellen Tauscher (D): had not filed a trip as of March 31, 2005.

Bill Thomas (R): disclosed 16 trips at a cost of $50,804.

Mike Thompson (D): disclosed 19 trips at a cost of $58,000.

Maxine Waters (D): disclosed 52 trips at a cost of $132,219.

Diane E. Watson (D): disclosed one trip at a cost of $823.

Henry Waxman (D): disclosed 21 trips at a cost of $106,279.

Lynn Woolsey (D): disclosed 12 trips at a cost of $47,570.

If you would like more information about congressional trips, go to PoliticalMoneyLine's site.

To compare this information to other states' congressional delegation, go back to the map
