Floyd Mayweather Jr. Eyeing Clippers; IOC Blasts Brazil on Olympics Preparations

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April 30, 2014 — -- quicklist: 1

title: IOC Blasts Brazil on Olympics Preparations

text: Construction in Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Olympics is looking dire, according to International Olympic Committee vice president John Coates, who labeled the preparations as "the worst he's ever seen," The Associated Press reported.

Coates said dealing with three tiers of government is likely causing construction delays, similar to the situation in Athens, but "worse."

"We have become very concerned. They are not ready in many, many ways," Coates said. "And this is against a city that's got social issues that also have to be addressed; a country that's also trying to deal with the FIFA World Cup coming up in a few months."

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quicklist: 2title: Floyd Mayweather Jr. Eyeing Clippers

text: Hours after disgraced Donald Sterling was banned for life from attending NBA games and calls for him to sell the L.A. Clippers intensified, boxing champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. announced his intentions to make a bid for the team that hasn’t been put up for sale yet.

Mayweather, the world’s highest paid athlete and a regular face at Clippers and Lakers’ games, told reporters at the MGM Grand Tuesday that he had spoken with his adviser, Al Haymon, about teaming up with others to buy the Clippers, ESPN reported.

He is not the only athlete with his eyes set on a piece of the prize, with retired boxer Oscar De La Hoya also interested in part ownership of the Clippers, while others in the film, music and tech industries have also been named potential purchasers.

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quicklist: 3title: Law Might Soon Force Kids to Do Chores in Spain

text: Under a draft bill in Spain that has been approved by parliament, children may soon be required to participate in all areas of family life and perform their household chores by law, according to the BBC.

The rules fall under a section called "the rights and duties of children," and would involve "co-responsibility in caring for the home and performing household tasks regardless of age and gender", local media reported.

The penalties for kids who deny their duties have yet to be outlined.

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title: GAP Prank Gets Improv Everywhere Handcuffed

text: Members of famed NYC flash mob group Improv Everywhere were temporarily handcuffed by police at a Manhattan GAP store after security called the NYPD to control the troupe of 40 performers who were dressing up as store mannequins.

"The police arrived and handcuffed many performers," the group wrote on its website. "But after assessing the situation, everyone was allowed to leave."

Evidently, it's not illegal to dress in GAP clothing and stand very still in a store.

Watch their antics here.

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